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Attributed String Creator

Visual Text Editor for Designing NSAttributedString App Code

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Attributed String Creator takes all of the work out of programming with NSAttributedStrings by automatically generating native Swift 3 or Objective-C code from your formatted text.

Write, paste or import any text into Attributed String Creator and it will produce a neat and easily readable equivalent of your text in NSMutableAttributedString declaration form. Copy this into your Xcode project and you’ll have an exact reproduction of your text as a variable you can assign to labels, text views, buttons, tables and anything else that supports it.

There are lots of advantages to using attributed strings in your apps; the aesthetics of an app can make or break it so it’s important that your apps look their best. Having richly formatted, sharp, vibrant text can make a big difference to how users perceive your work and will help your apps stand out from the crowd.

Attributed String Creator macOS app running on a MacBook Pro with the iPhone simulator displaying the output

App Developers have tried many ways of producing rich typography in their apps in the past, but they all have their failings:

All of these workarounds exist because of the difficulty and amount of time it takes to programmatically declare Apple’s native form of rich text ……but now the problem is solved.

Attributed String Creator macOS app extension running on an iMac, converting text from the Safari browser



If you need help using the app please see the Help Guide.